For Seattle Residents only:
Save up to $6,000* on a Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump that cools and heats your home.
Plus receive an additional $2,000 Federal Tax Credit**
*Must be replacing an oil fire heating system. Offer valid while funds last.
**Outside Seattle – Federal Tax Credits and Other rebates may apply.
Clean Heat Program
The City of Seattle is committed to reducing Seattle’s climate pollution.
By switching from dirty, expensive heating oil to an energy-efficient electric heat pump, you reduce your heating and cooling cost, improve your health and the comfort of your home, all while helping the environment by cutting use of fossil fuels.
With generous incentives available there’s never been a better time to make the switch!
How to Participate:
- Step 1: Contact participating contractors to get a free home visit and estimate.
- Step 2: Select a contractor and perform the installation. Your contractor will apply all applicable instant rebates directly to your invoice, including the limited-time bonus rebate if you are income-qualified.
- Step 3: Decommission your oil tank (either fill in place or remove) according to the Seattle Fire Code. This ensures oil doesn’t sit unused in your tank, risking future leaks.
Visit www.seattle.gov/environment/cleanheat to learn more about income limits for the bonus rebate. Bonus rebate is available September 2024 through May 2025, while funds last.

Completely Customizable Solutions
Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating allows you to replace traditional central furnaces with no need for ductwork. They work with the existing ducts or use ductless systems to more efficiently cool and heat your entire home with compact systems that will easily fit into your home.
Sophisticated & Intelligent Heating

Whisper Quiet
Mitsubishi’s engineering achieves quiet operations inside and out!
Compact & Environmental
Wireless Connectivity
For Seattle Residents Only:
Save Up To $6,000*
on a Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump that cools and heats your home.
Plus receive an additional $2,000 Federal Tax Credit**
*Must be replacing an oil fire heating system. Offer valid while funds last.
**Outside Seattle – Federal Tax Credits and Other rebates may apply.